Make your business stand out.

Schedule a coaching call to learn how to grow your business and improve your social media engagement.

What are Coaching Calls?

Mentorships with Lashing Nae offer personalized 1-on-1 coaching calls via Zoom, focusing on growing your business and enhancing your social media presence. If you find yourself encountering difficulties in expanding your social media pages, creating captivating content, and going “viral” content, this mentorship is for you. Each coaching session is recorded for your reference, ensuring valuable insights are retained. Additionally, mentees will unlock exclusive discounts on products and digital offerings upon completion of the call!

Let’s Grow Together!

Open to ALL business types!

Coaching Calls are booked through Instagram direct messaging.

Please DM @ lashingnae for inquiries

quick look at some amazing coaching call sessions with the best mentees!

“Thank you so much for everything I feel a lot more confident and organised after the call the tips and advice you gave will definitely help me improve I appreciate you taking the time”

— Mentee (London, UK)

“I’m so glad I scheduled this call! I can’t wait to see the growth in my business. Thank you so much for all the tips I’m so excited!”

— Mentee ( Califorinia)